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Grapefruit seed extract

Why Grapefruit Seed Extract?

After 25 years in use by naturopathic physicians, clinics and the general public grapefruit seed extract has been proven to be a safe and effective multipurpose (broad spectrum) compound with countless uses.

Grapefruit seed extract is being used successfully in humans and animals alike to fight many types of internal and external infections caused from parasites (single and multi-celled), viruses, bacteria, fungus and more!
The greatest benefit is due to it's multipurpose (broad spectrum) effect. It is effective even if the causes of the infections are known, unknown or misdiagnosed. Grapefruit seed extract naturally detoxifies, enhances and supports the immune system.

The pure oil contains high levels of vitamin C and E, and bioflavonoids. The important substances have an antioxidant action and can neutralize free radicals that damage cells and cause a number of illnesses.

Another important benefit of grapefruit seed extract is that it is helpful in alkalizing the blood. Alkalizing the body fluids (raising pH) is one of the single most important health regeneration benefits available as disease causing microforms (fungi, bacteria, virus etc.) cannot survive in an alkaline oxygenated environment.

Grapefruit seed extract is effective at very low concentrations. During 1989-90, an international research team (reported in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Volume 5, No. 3, USA, 1990) examined the effects of GSE and compared this with 30 effective antibiotics and 18 proven fungicides. GSE was found to perform as well as any and all of the tested agents. Without the harsh side effects. It is a natural alternative to strong antibiotics.

Grapefruit seed extract is nontoxic. According to an independent laboratory testing "Acute Oral Toxicity", it would take at least 4,000 times the normal dose of gse to produce a 50% chance of poisoning (called LD50).

Because grapefruit seed extract does not exhibit the harsh side effects and high cost of pharmaceuticals it is becoming the alternative health choice for naturopathic physicians, clinics and the general public.

Internal uses include but not limited to : Digestive Upsets: Gastrointestinal Disorders, Diarrhea and Food Poisoning. Infections from: Parasites (single and multi-celled), Bacterial, Viral and Fungal. Candida Yeast Infections, Thrush and Chronic Fatigue. Oral Infections: Tooth Plaque, Gum Disorders, Breath Freshener and Mouthwash. Colds and Flu, Sore Throats, Strep Throat, Ear Inflammation / Pain, Gassiness, Sinusitis and much more!


Grape seed extract

Grape seed extract has gained in popularity over the years. It has been studied since the early 80's for its free radical scavenging effect and it's ability to inhibit histamine. This free radical scavenging effect has demonstrated itself to be 20 times more potent than either vitamin C or vitamin E.
Therapeutic benefits have been shown to be dose dependent. Its usage is considered safe for conception, and pregnancy.

Grape seed extract is thought to neutralize free radicals (anti-oxidant), reduce inflammation, stabilize collagen and elastin, act as a natural antihistamine, and protect and heal connective tissue.


Neem Oil

The medicinal properties of Neem have been described in ancient Indian medical texts (4000 B.C.) such as the Atharva Veda, Ghrhyasutras and the Sutragranthas. The sanskrit name, nimba, is a derivative of the term nimbati syasthyamdadati - meaning 'to give good health'.

Literally, every part of the tree has a use. The products of the Neem tree are known to be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic.

Neem for viral diseases
Neem has been used traditionally in India to treat several viral diseases. ----Neem extracts absorbs the viruses effectively preventing them from spreading over unaffected cells. Recent tests have shown that Neem is effective against herpes virus and the viral DNA polymerase of hepatitis B virus.

Neem for respiratory disorders
Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs comprise the respiratory system.
Commonest symptom found in many respiratory disorder like bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tuberoclosis, pleuritis etc is cough. Decoction of Neem is used as a antitussive for dry cough.

Even in Africa, Tropical America etc where Neem has been introduced in recent times, people have used Neem as herbal treatments for various ailments. A large number of medicinals, cosmetics, toiletries and pharmaceuticals are now based on neem products.

Ancient Indian texts refer to Neem as Sarva Roga Nivarini, "the curer of all ailments."


Thyme Oil

Thymus vulgaris (Labiatae)


Thyme occurs in the west Mediterranean to the southwest Italy. The herb was known to the Sumerians, used by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Thyme was praised by the herbalist Nicholas Culpeper (1616-1654) as "a notable strengthener of the lungs". Its main medicinal application is in treating coughs and clearing congestion. Many current formulas for mouth washes and vapor rubs contain thymol, one of the constituents found in thyme. It also improves digestion, destroys intestinal parasites and is an excellent antiseptic and tonic.

“Thyme will help alleviate sore throats and coughs. Not only will it ease the pain and irritation, the antiseptic component of thyme will combat bacteria in the throat.”

Our research indicates there have been many Medicinal Uses for Thyme oil. It is used as a powerful antiseptic, used in cases of anemia, bronchial ailments, and intestinal problems. It is used as an antiseptic against tooth decay!


Rosemary oil

Rosmarinus officinalis (Labiatae)


Rosemary is native to the Mediterranean region. Rosemary is a well-known and greatly valued herb that is native to southern Europe. It has been used since antiquity to improve and strengthen the memory. Rosemary leaves increase circulation, reduce headaches and have anti-bacterial and fungal properties. Rosemary improves food absorbtion by stimulating digestion, the liver, the intestinal tract, and the gallbladder. It also is used in antiseptic gargles for sore throats, gum problems and canker sores. Rosemary has a long-standing reputation as a tonic, invigorating herb, imparting a zest for life that is to some degree reflected in its distinctive aromatic taste.


Peppermint oil

Mentha piperita (Labiatae)


Peppermint's origin is a mystery, but it has been in existence for a long time - dried leaves were found in Egyptian pyramids dating from around 1000 BC. It was highly valued by the Greeks and Romans, but only became popular in Western Europe in the 18th Century. Peppermint tea helps with indigestion and relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract. Peppermint's chief therapeutic value lies in its ability to relieve wind, flatulence, bloating and colic, though it has many other applications. Studies have shown that it relieves colon spasms and helps to cure ulcers. Peppermint also eases nervous headaches. Menthol, its main constituent, has antibacterial properties. Externally, the essential oil is used in balms and liniments to stimulate hot and cold nerve endings and increase local blood flow.





Ezekiel 47.12 (The Living Bible Version) First and last sentences -- “All kinds of fruit trees will grow along the river banks.--- The fruit will be for food and the leaves for Medicine.”


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